Archive for May, 2013

In this article I’ll show you how you can handle / parse the following RFID Tags from Sparkfun Electronics :

1) RFID Glass Capsule (125kHz) – Product ID: SEN-09416

2) RFID Button – 16mm (125kHz) – Product ID: SEN-09417

3) RFID Tag (125kHz) – Product ID: COM-08310

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In this article I’ll show you a simple PHP function that implements email validation.

The function performs two checks :

It checks both if the email has correct syntax and if the domain of the email exists.

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The Qt framework supports internationalization (I18N) and you can easily use it to your applications with a little effort. So, in this article I’ll show you how you can make it happen in a simple Qt application. The first thing you should do is making the GUI of the application translation-aware. That means setting all the texts you want of your widgets to be translatable. From the Qt Designer you can make translation-aware all your widgets. Here is an image that shows you how you can make the text of a QPushButton instance to be translation-aware :

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In your lexer when lexical analysis is performed you may want to ignore any multiline C-like comments.

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Whenever you want to post your email address to the public and don’t want to use a Contact Form which usually hides the address, try to display the address of the email as an image in order to avoid spam.

One way to achieve this is to manually create your email address as an image and embed it to your contact page. Most of the times we want this operation to be automatically. So, I have created a simple example to show you how you can make this possible.

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Whenever we create a new source code file for a free software with Emacs we need first to add the short brief of the blessed GNU GPL v3. You can add a LISP function to your “~/.emacs” configuration file and call it whenever you want to add it.

If the file is missing you can create it.

After inserting the function and restarting Emacs you can call the function:

M-x insert-short-gpl (press Alt-x, type insert-short-gpl, press return).

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Many text editors create backup files with names ending with “~”.

Most of the times these files are annoying and unnecessary…

So, you can use the following piped commands to remove them :

find / | grep "^.*~$"
       | sed -e 's/\(^.*$\)/"\1"/g'
       | xargs rm -f > /dev/null 2>&1

Please take account that this version handles correctly also filepaths containing space characters.