Tag Archive: animation

This project refers to an Arduino sketch which is used to produce animations with more than one LED. You can place several LEDs in a row or in any order you wish and enjoy the flow of traffic. Furthermore, if you wish to change the animation you can choose the next in line by pressing a special button. One such application might remind you of the Christmas lights.

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The project ‘tct‘ (The Crime Tracer) made me wish to create an engine for moving various sprites in two-dimensional games. This engine is a prototype and is continuously optimized. It has also been developed with the help of Pygame and Python. Additionally, you can find a rough example that uses the engine of the project ‘tct‘ (The Crime Tracer).

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This project refers to an Arduino sketch which is used to produce LEDs animations. So, we use an 8-bit shift register (namely the 74HC595). This way we can drive 8 different LEDs in the output committing only three PINS of the Arduino.

If we want to drive more LEDs, we connect into a cascade form two or more (depending on the number of LEDs we want to support) shift registers and act accordingly.

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