Tag Archive: GNU/Linux

In this article I will present to you a dynamic string data structure helper implementation. In C, a string is just an array of characters terminated with the null character (NUL in ASCII). Also, some times we handle a string by using a pointer to a buffer containing sequential characters terminated also with the null character. The C standard liibrary provides various functions for string manipulation but it seems that whenever we want to extend a string by using pointers we have to perform all the time memory reallocation which leads to a bad evolution of replicated code. In a recent project, I needed to create a string and append to it any number of new strings in order to extend it without using strcat, strcpy, strlen and realloc functions all the time. So, I created a simple dynamic string data structure which solved my specific problem and I would like to share it with you people.

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In this article I will present to you a useful function for getting the host name and service of a socket.

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In this article I will present to you some useful functions for handling the PID file of a background daemon. Most of the background daemons maintain a PID file usually in a well-known path such as the “/var/run”. For example, the GNOME Display Manager which runs as a background daemon (gdm3) maintains the following file “/var/run/gdm3.pid”. A PID file contains the PID number of the daemon process currently running. This information is useful either for validation or for sending various signals to the daemon process. Also, if a background daemon must have a single running instance this can be accomplished by checking if the PID number of the PID file really exists in the system.

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In this article I will present to you two useful functions that can be used whenever you want to enable or disable the non-blocking I/O mode of a file descriptor. By using the enable_io_blocking_for_file_descriptor and disable_io_blocking_for_file_descriptor functions you can enable and disable the I/O blocking of a file descriptor.

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In this article I will present to you a safe wrapper for freeing memory allocated with *alloc family functions. The standard function “void free (void * pointer)” from stdlib library does not check the given pointer to see whether it is NULL and does not NULL terminate the pointer before it returns either. So, setting a pointer to NULL after freeing is considered a good practice, and can reduce the chances of unpredictable behavior if the memory is later accessed; segmentation faults when the memory is no longer accessible and potential security risks.

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In this article I will present to you some macro definitions for handling interruptible system calls.

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In this article I will present to you a mechanism written in C for handling efficiently software signals in POSIX operating systems. The first thing you have to do is to create the configuration of the signals you want to support. After you decide the appropriate configuration you have to setup the signals support and register the configuration. Later on, when the various software signals occur a generic signal dispatcher will handle the signals according to the specified configuration.

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In this article I will present to you a POSIX function I wrote that can be used to create a server socket to support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (IP-Agnostic). Recently, I needed to support this feature in a server application. The implementation uses POSIX system calls and data structures that can be used as generics to support both IPv4 and IPv6.

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In a previous article I had shown to you how a typical process in GNU/Linux operating systems can be converted to a background daemon process. The source code from the previous article was taken from an old project I wrote years ago. Nowadays, I have rewritten the daemonizing function in a new project and I think it could be nice to share it. I have simplified the function and now it has a clearer and simpler API.

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Whenever we create a new source code file for a free software with Emacs we need first to add the short brief of the blessed GNU GPL v3. You can add a LISP function to your “~/.emacs” configuration file and call it whenever you want to add it.

If the file is missing you can create it.

After inserting the function and restarting Emacs you can call the function:

M-x insert-short-gpl (press Alt-x, type insert-short-gpl, press return).

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Many text editors create backup files with names ending with “~”.

Most of the times these files are annoying and unnecessary…

So, you can use the following piped commands to remove them :

find / | grep "^.*~$"
       | sed -e 's/\(^.*$\)/"\1"/g'
       | xargs rm -f > /dev/null 2>&1

Please take account that this version handles correctly also filepaths containing space characters.

The project ‘shell-library’ (Shell Function Library) is a developers’ effort to develop a free shell library with POSIX general purpose functions. The functions that the library offers can be used within shell scripts developed to automate the work of your operating system.

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The project ‘OSHACKERS’ (Operating System Hackers) and the website ‘oshackers.org’ refer to a safe, free, friendly and useful to the end-user online web system for visualising information related to the various users of the various free and open operating systems around the world.

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The GNU Project by Richard Stallman
The original version was published in the book “Open Sources”

The first software-sharing community

When I started working at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab in 1971, I became part of a software-sharing community that had existed for many years. Sharing of software was not limited to our particular community; it is as old as computers, just as sharing of recipes is as old as cooking. But we did it more than most.

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The Free Software / Open Source Software Association (FS / OSSA) recently organized a conference entitled “Open Source: Opportunity Development” in various cities. Also, last Sunday (22/05/11), I had the opportunity to attend the one-day workshop held at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki.

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Below, we quote a function for managing a transaction in a hypothetical transaction management system. It is very likely multiple instances of the function to be executed in parallel on a system of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), on multi-processor platforms or even a multithreaded single processor systems.

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Probably sometime you will need to write a program in assembly language. For this reason, in this article we will develop a simple and typical executable “Hello World” program in assembly language to familiarize yourself with the process.

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Below I quote a function in C to convert a standard Linux kernel process into background service (Daemon Service). If you wish to develop a server to provide services, it may be helpful. Although there are several manuals on the Internet on how to create background services, most of them don’t show a complete example, while others are barely functioning. The following function converts a standard process into a service taking everything you need into account. Also, this function is the result of a combination of several textbooks and numerous studies about this issue. Finally, it has been tested on personal applications servers and it is performing well.

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Below I quote a simple implementation in C that you can use in your applications for the management of software signals in POSIX operating systems (such as the GNU/Linux). Of course, this implementation comes from a personal project of the past, especially where I grappled with system programming. You can modify this implementation to work best with your needs.

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Before I mention the function that I have developed for the production of random numbers from the monolithic Linux kernel, I would first like to say something about the issue of random numbers.

The issue of producing truly random numbers is important and had even since the beginning puzzled computer scientists. In mathematics, it is very difficult to define the random and, generally, randomness is very difficult to prove with no assumptions. In the past, many scientists tried to develop mathematical models and algorithms to develop random number generators.

One of the greatest scientists of Computer Science, John von Neumann (the basic idea of the architecture of all computer systems today was his own design) jokingly said: ‘Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.’.

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